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American Literary Studies; American History
"The University of Michigan, NewsBank/Readex Co., and the American Antiquarian Society are cooperating in a Text Creation Partnership to create 6,000 accurately keyed and fully searchable SGML/XML text editions from among the 40,000 titles available in the Evans Early American Imprints Collection."
Early American imprints. First series.
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American History; American Literary Studies; General and Reference Works
Provides full-text and full-page-image access to books, pamphlets and broadsides printed in America from 1639-1800. Based on the renowned American Bibliography by Charles Evans (14 vols., 1903-34, 1955-59); and subsequent bibliographic works by Roger Bristol, James Mooney and Clifford Shipton. This database includes more than 1,000 works located, catalogued and digitized since the completion of the earlier microfilmed set, Early American Imprints, 1639-1800, which was also based on Charles Evans' American Bibliography.
Early American imprints. First series (Online)
Search database:
American History; American Literary Studies; General and Reference Works
From the acclaimed holdings of the Library Company of Philadelphia comes a broad range of recently uncovered books, pamphlets and broadsides, most of which were not included in either Charles Evans' monumental work or Roger Bristol's supplement. Printed during a 130-year period spanning the colonial era and the formation of the new nation, these nearly 1,000 rare and unique items represent a remarkable enrichment of the Readex digital edition of Early American Imprints.-- Publisher's web site.
Early American imprints. First series (Online). Supplement.
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American History; Language; General and Reference Works
"From the acclaimed holdings of the Library Company of Philadelphia comes a broad range of recently uncovered books, pamphlets and broadsides, most of which were not included in Ralph R. Shaw and Richard H. Shoemakers American Bibliography. Printed during the Early Republic, spanning the inauguration of Thomas Jefferson and passage of the Indian Civilization Act, these nearly 1,000 rare and unique items represent a remarkable enrichment of the Readex digital edition of Early American Imprints.".-- Publisher's web site.
Early American imprints. Second series (Online). Supplement.
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Religious Studies; American Literary Studies; American History
Covering every aspect of American life during the early decades of the United States, Early American Imprints, Series II (1801-1819) provides full-text access to the 36,000 American books, pamphlets and broadsides published in the first nineteen years of the nineteenth century. Based on the authoritative bibliography by Ralph B. Shaw and Richard H. Shoemaker and supplemented by thousands of new items. Offers fully searchable text and a browse feature with topical indexes. Bibliographic records created by the AAS are integrated into the database, providing additional access points.
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American History; Geography; Race and Ethnicity
This first release of Early Encounters in North America (EENA) contains approximately 10,250 pages of material. When complete the product will include more than 100,000 pages of letters, diaries, memoirs and accounts of early encounters.
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Philosophy; Religious Studies; British and Commonwealth History; Language; British and Commonwealth Literary Studies; Ancient Greek and Roman Culture; General and Reference Works; Medieval Studies
Reproduces works listed in: Pollard & Redgrave's Short-title catalogue, Wing's Short title catalogue and Thomason tracts.
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British and Commonwealth History; British and Commonwealth Literary Studies
A marked-up, full-text subset of texts from Early English Books Online, created by a consortium of academic libraries. While the full text is eventually added to the main Proquest EEBO database, at any given time this database is likely to contain slightly more of that material. As of Jan. 12, 2006 contains about 11,000 texts, with an ultimate target of size of 25,000.
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British and Commonwealth History; News
At the Library:
Green » Media-Microtext (Lower Level) » MFILM N.S. 2179 ...
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British and Commonwealth Literary Studies
"Contains 211 complete works in English prose, from the period 1500 to 1700, by writers from the British Isles"--User manual.
At the Library:
Green » HAS-DIGIT (Lane Room) (Non-circulating) » PR1293 .E27 1997 in-library use only
Green » HAS-DIGIT (Lane Room) (Non-circulating) » PR1293 .E27 1997 QUICK REFERENCE GUIDE in-library use only
Green » HAS-DIGIT (Lane Room) (Non-circulating) » PR1293 .E27 1997 U ... in-library use only
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British and Commonwealth Literary Studies; French and Italian Studies; Ancient Greek and Roman Culture; Religious Studies; Germanic Studies; Medieval Studies
Diverse array of printed sources from the fifteenth, sixteenth, and seventeenth centuries. Opens the door to some of the world's most significant collections of early printed books. All works printed in Europe before 1701, regardless of language, fall within the scope of the project, together with all pre-1701 works in European languages printed further afield. Builds upon and complements Early English Books Online (EEBO) and is largely concerned with non-Anglophone materials; however, books in English or printed in the English-speaking world that are already represented in EEBO are not omitted from Early European Books where they form an integral element of the predominantly non-Anglophone collections that have been made available for digital capture. Full-colour, high-resolution (400 ppi) facsimile images scanned directly from the original printed sources. Each item in the collection is captured in its entirety, complete with its binding, edges, endpapers, blank pages, and any loose inserts.
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American History
Searchable database of primary material documenting the actions, debates, and thoughts of the First Federal Congress and its members; includes the full text of the Documentary history of the First Federal Congress of the United States of America.
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Engineering; Earth Sciences
Includes abstracts on earthquake engineering which appeared in Abstract journal in Earthquake engineering plus current abstracts and EERC Library records from University of California's Melvyl system.
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Earth Sciences
Data on earthquakes worldwide from 2000B.C. through the current week of the Preliminary Determination of Epicenters (PDE) program. Each earthquake in the data base is detailed according to source, date, time, latitude, longitude, magnitude, intensity, and seismic-related information. An earthquake is extracted from the data base when it meets all input user-conditions.
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Earth Sciences; Geography; Statistical and Numeric Data
"Using an innovative approach with Geographic Information System and Remote Sensing, ORNL's LandScan is the community standard for global population distribution. At approximately 1 km resolution (30" X 30"), LandScan is the finest resolution global population distribution data available and represents an ambient population (average over 24 hours). The LandScan algorithm, an R&D 100 Award Winner, uses spatial data and imagery analysis technologies and a multi-variable dasymetric modeling approach to disaggregate census counts within an administrative boundary. Since no single population distribution model can account for the differences in spatial data availability, quality, scale, and accuracy as well as the differences in cultural settlement practices, LandScan population distribution models are tailored to match the data conditions and geographical nature of each individual country and region."--ORNL Web page.
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General and Reference Works
Full-text searching and retrieval of over 65,000 titles in various disciplines, with a rich "information toolset." Printing and copying from ebrary are allowed, although particular titles may have print/copy page limits.
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General and Reference Works; Science (General); Philosophy; News
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Indexes journal articles in ecology and environmental science. Nearly 700 journals are indexed in full or in part, and the database indexes literature published from 1982 to the present. Coverage includes habitats, food chains, erosion, land reclamation, resource and ecosystems management, modeling, climate, water resources, soil, and pollution.
At the Library:
Falconer » Serials » Shelved by title
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Economics and Business; Spanish, Portuguese and Latin American Studies
Comprehensive, indexed bibliography with selected abstracts of the world's economic literature (over 300 major economic journals and collective volumes), compiled from the American Economic Association's Journal of economic literature and the Index of economic articles in journals and collective volumes. Over 99% of the articles are in English or include English summaries.
At the Library:
Green » InfoCenter (Non-circulating) » HB1 .E23 1969-1975 in-library use only
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Economics and Business; Spanish, Portuguese and Latin American Studies
Building upon EconLit's indexed bibliography of economics and finance literature (journal articles, books, collective volume articles, dissertations, working papers and book reviews), this database has added full text for more than 400 journals, including those of the American Economic Association; also includes abstracts.

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